Modular and robust
Our filterbox systems are used in aluminium DC and continuous casting. We offer filterboxes in all common sizes, single boxes as well as double boxes, covering the full range of flow rates. Drache filterboxes are characterized by small heat losses and a low steel shell temperature. All filterboxes follow a modular concept. The filterbox itself, the preheating lid das well as the filterbox’s stand are independent of each other, allowing a quick change of the box between casts if necessary. All filterboxes can be customized to meet the exact customer requirements.
Drache Filterboxes have a number of advantages.
Key Advantages
Have we sparked your interest? Arrange a free consultation with our experts.
We will be happy to provide a free consultation on your ideas and wishes.
Feel free to contact us at any time!
Next-generation Filterbox Preheating System
The Drache Flow Heater is an advanced electrical preheating system to preheat CFFs inside a filterbox in aluminium DC and continuous casting. Der Drache Flow Heater heizt Luft auf ca. 1100°C auf, die dann durch den Filter strömt. Dadurch wird eine schnelle und gleichmäßige Vorwärmung erreicht. Der Drache Flow Heater ist für alle Filtergrößen bis 26″ sowie alle Porositäten bis PPI 60 geeignet.
The Drache Flow Heater combines the advantages of gas-fired and electrical preheating systems.
Key advantages:
Have we sparked your interest? Arrange a free consultation with our experts
We will be happy to provide a free consultation on your ideas and wishes.
Feel free to contact us at any time!
Efficient and fast preheating of filterboxes
The Drache gas-fired preheating system is a proven filterbox preheating system operating in many casthouses around the world. It is suitable for filterbox sizes of 17“ and bigger. The system consists of a burner with a number of secondary air holes, giving a very uniform heat distribution in the box and the filter. This achieves a very homogenous preheating of the CFF within 15-25 minutes.
The Drache gas-fired preheating system preheats fast and efficiently.
Special Advantages
A robust solution for smaller filterboxes
Heating lids equipped with electrical resistance heating elements are especially suitable for smaller and shallower filterboxes, using CFFs with a porosity up to PPI 40. The CFF is preheated by radiation of the heating elements.
Heating lids with electrical resistance heating are robust and easy to install.
Special Advantages
If you need help or have a question regarding filters, system construction, another product or even a custom solution, please fill out the contact form below.
How can we help you? *
Since 1984, Drache Umwelttechnik GmbH is supplying innovative and sustainable products and equipment in casthouse technology. We focus on the highest quality standards and new technologies.
Drache Umwelttechnik GmbH
Werner-von-Siemens-Str. 24-26
D-65582 Diez
+49 64 32 – 60 70
© Drache Umwelttechnik GmbH